Zidovudine (AZT) Zidovudine is an effective anti-viral drug that acts on retroviruses especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is not preferred 1st line antiviral drug according to regimen 2016 of WHO. Zidovudine belongs to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors class of anti-retroviral drugs. The therapeutic dose of zidovudine for adults is 300 mg and 180 mg per meter square for children. Zidovudine is also known as AZT due to its usage as a thymidine analogue. Mechanism of action(MOA):- Zidovudine when administered, get phosphorylation in the host cell and converted into zidovudine triphosphate. The zidovudine triphosphate selectively inhibits viral reverse transcriptase in preference to DNA polymerase. AZT inhibits HIV reverse transcription by replacing thymidine from DNA formed by the reverse transcription process and results in changing of the base sequence of DNA, which makes it an inactive DNA and stops further DNA reverse transcription. Thus zidov...